Saturday, May 31, 2014

Life in the Cook Islands

As part of our Learning Pathways topic, we have been reading about different people around the world. We have been considering how their lives might be different to ours. After reading the journal story Feeding Time, Christopher and Finley used little bird tales to illustrate what they learnt from their reading.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Our Bi-literate Learners!

Check out our amazing biliterate learners! They can speak, read and write in two languages.
As part of our Learning Pathways study, we have been writing postcards to people around the world. Here is a photo of Koito writing a letter to her Grandma in Japan in Japanese. 

Here is Ben F's letter to his cousin in Samoa and here is a video of Ben reading his letter to his cousin in Samoan!

Postcard to Samoa from Savelina Lepou on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tonga, England and Turkey

Here is a Prezi by Mary and Erica about Tonga.

Check out Adam and Don's Prezi about England.
Ben S and Zephaniah have been learning about Turkey.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Rock Cakes and Madagascar Cookies

Last week, Room 5 earned 100 compliments! They decided that they would like to cook some recipes from the Dreamworks Heroes Album.  Surprise, surprise they chose to bake madagascar cookies and rock cakes. Here are some photos taken by Ross.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

South Africa, Fiji and Germany

Here is a Prezi by Chloe and Yee about South Africa.

Check out Rory's Prezi about Fiji.

Noah is from Germany and he has been there a few times. Here is his Prezi.

Our First Prezis!

As part of learning pathways, we have been using Prezi to present the research we have done on chosen countries. Here are some of our Prezis. Here is a Prezi about Antartica by Finley and Christopher. 

Here is another about Canada, by Avalon and Brooke. Press play to view the prezi more closely.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Koito's String Skills

Last week, Koito brought her string into school to show us some tricks. Here is a video of some of the tricks she showed us.

Here is a tutorial of how to make a star with string. Give it a go Room 5! If you would like some wool to make a string come and see me.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Nevaeh T's Review

Room 5 just can't get enough of the Dreamworks Heroes Collection books from Countdown. Here is Nevaeh T reviewing the book. 

Avalon's Book Review

Here is Avalon reviewing Room on the Broom, by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

Esio Trot, reviewed by Christopher

This week we have been learning how to write book reviews. We had to think about how to summarise the main events, talk about our favourite parts and give an opinion about our recommendations for who should read the book.

Here is Christopher's plan for his review. 

Here is Christopher reading his book review.

Christopher BR from Savelina Lepou on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Facts and Opinions

One of the literacy skills we have been developing this week is identifying facts and opinions. The Rainbows reading group read a book about butterflies. They had to record one fact and one opinion on the iPad as a follow-up. Check out the video. Can you tell the difference between a fact and opinion.

Have you got a fact or opinion that you would like to share about a butterfly? Leave a comment.

Monday, May 5, 2014

I Wonder

Today we started talking about our learning pathways topic for Term 2. The topic of study is Our World. Some of the children had some questions about the topic that they recorded onto the iPad.

We are going to be exploring the our world's continents and oceans. Check out this video about the continents and oceans on Earth.

Do you have any questions about our world? Or maybe you have an answer to one of Room 5's questions. Please leave a comment.