Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Poems by Charlette and Ben F

Here is a poem by Ben F about the strange weather Auckland has been experiencing. He has used his senses to organise his poem.

Here is an acrostic poem written by Charlette. It is about her cat Fluffy.


erica and rory said...

cool banana charlette and benf.

don said...

i like your voices.

Finley (at school) said...

Wow! Ben F and Charlette worked hard making those poems!


WOW ben f ! you did a lot of things such as i smell taset and lots more! also its my first time comenting on your blog!

Koito said...

I had some yummy dinner. It was pizza! I love it!


ha ha what sort of funny is that ben f

DisneyFan2015 said...

I like Charlette and Ben's poems.

DisneyFan2015 said...

I almost forgot - you forgot to put this post on Charlette's Labels Page.